Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why Can't he Stay Little?

I have been up all night again, I hate when I can't sleep at night however this time it was my anxiety about about Xander. Trying to figure out if I will be able to get through his pubescent years. He had his first kiss 2 days ago, just a kiss on lips no tongue thank god but I am still not happy about it. I understand he is at that age where he likes girls and they are now in that " we are dating " stage. Which when I was young it was called "going around". That's all normal and I get that, he is at the same age I was when I had my first peck kiss, but it's all the questions he has been asking lately that frankly has me scared out of my mind. Not to mention this little girl of his walked with him home yesterday, that is a little much for me. I am not being a crazy mama I swear. But the other day he was asking me about orgasms and masturbation and last night Nolan walked in on him having a little happy time with himself. Now I understand that it is perfectly normal for him to be going through all of this and being curious about his body and all of that, but this also means he is having those feeling and those urges and that my friends is what leads to boys having sex. And I am freaking out. I know that it's not something I have to be worried about right now but I am on the path now, it has started and is only going to get worse. My babies, my little boy, my angel. What if he now having had his first kiss wants to try a french kiss then so on and so on. He is too young for all of this and I am wishing now that he went to an all boys school. He gets a lot of attention from girls, hell even 8th graders at that school hit on him, I am proud that he is so cute, but it also scares me. Girls are gonna like him and girls now a days scare me. Not all of them but his last little girlfriend used to send him little notes home telling him he had a nice ass, I mean come on. So ya I am freaking out a bit, I don't want their to be a second kiss or have this kissing be a recurring thing, he is to young for that. He had his first kiss and found out what it was like and now I would like him to be done till he is at least 15. So before he goes to school today I am gonna tell him that he can't do that anymore and I don't want him spending time with her after school and he is gonna be mad at me. Not looking forward to it, but I don't know what else to do. Am I being paranoid? I don't know, but having boys is scary, especially knowing that he has reached the age where he is having all of these curiosities and my god he is asking about orgasms..

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