About This Blog

This Blog is about me and my day to day life with my family. I am a 34 year old Mom and have been with my Husband for 12 years. We have been Married for 9 and have 2 Beautiful sons, Xander 11 and Nolan 10. I also have a 19 year old Stepson, Evan and a 12 year old Stepdaughter, Averie. My husband and I have been through hell and back many times since the day we met. In our life if it can go wrong it usually does. It's been 12 years of the craziest ups and downs, but we always figure it out together. I think these last few years have been the best of our Marriage, personally for us as a couple. Funny enough the last few years have also been the toughest on us financially. I have been a stay at home most of my Mamahood and a few months ago I went back to work. My Husband and I opened up a new business together along with our amazing business partner. My life as a stay at home Mom was crazy and hectic 24 hours a day, and now with me working it has gone from hectic to full blown chaos. There are never enough hours in the day, and I make many mistakes. I am no expert, I just have a lot of experience with Marriage, Kids, Stepchildren, Ex-Wives and dealing with the outcome of this economy. I am not one of those women who claims to have it all together, with my perfect family and marriage. I am honest about the fact, that most days I have no idea what I am doing. I learn everyday as I go along, I fumble and fall a lot but I also make great comebacks. My life is all about my family, they are what matters the most in the world to me. They teach me the miracle of love everyday, they also teach me the miracle of patience everyday. I think it is important for Mothers, hell Women out there to know that it is okay to not have it all together, all the time. It is not a contest, although I have met my share of Mamas who think it is. You'll all know a few yourself, where the picture is all that matters to them not the frame. In my life the frame that holds my picture is what matters most. I have lots of thoughts about what I go through everyday, some might be helpful, insightful and some might just be me ranting on. In a way I guess this blog is just another tool I use to cope with the chaos..My best advice as a Mother is to cherish each moment, because they are gone in blink of an eye. Always ,always, always keep your sense of HUMOR, and don't forget sometimes the best person to give a time out too, is yourself...