Monday, July 19, 2010

The Peace Keeper....

When it comes to my sons it doesn't take much to incite an argument between them. They take turns instigating the fights, mostly due to who's turn it is to play Xbox or what game to play. The one thing they do agree on however is their love for our dogs. Molly in particular has a special talent for keeping the peace between the boys, therefore she plays an important role in our family.

Molly's peace keeping efforts help keep me sane on a daily basis. When she hears the boys fighting or even senses a grimace vibe in the air she springs into action. She immediately charges into their room and starts to mollify the situation. Redirecting their focus from whatever quarrel they are in and beguiles them with her utter cuteness, comical energy and play. Gradually immobilizing their defenses and easing the tension. Molly declares neutral territory with her mere presence. Suddenly all you hear is the bellows of laughter and docile squeals of pure amusement.

When her job is done Molly retreats back into the living room leaving my once feral boys soggy and saturated with her kisses. She comes over to the sofa and gives me a look like "It's taken care of Mama" then lays down next to me for a well deserved rest and treats. Molly's method for diffusing the boys bickering is nothing less than amazing. Molly even has the ability to turn a grumpy, tired and stressed out Daddy into a smiling, happy, relaxed Daddy. These two talents alone solidifies her title as the Peace Keeper of the house. She has brought our family so much closer and gives us precious moments of pure joy everyday. Molly's vivaciousness spreads through the house like wildfire and it is impossible to be around her without smiling and laughing. No matter what goes wrong, being loved by and loving Molly makes everything better.

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