Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nolan's Photography

My amazingly talented son Nolan loves taking pictures, especially of his Me. He has a surreptitious way of capturing candid moments of me and the dogs, his favorite subject to shoot. He is vigilant in his stalking and when he finds the moment he wants, he officiously starts shouting out commands. Freeze, wait, look down, look up. hold it. After the ambush is over he goes to the computer and starts downloading. When he faces the dilemma of a picture coming out poorly, he gets onto iphoto and the reworking begins. Changing the effects with various forms of Sepia, Antique and Black and White. He mixes them together altering each level and he transforms a bad or blurry photograph into something really interesting. As much as I have always loathed my picture being taken, when Nolan is the one behind the camera I suddenly become intrigued. How they will turn out once he puts his spin on it. It's like watching his imagination come to life and having the chance to see through his eyes. Which moments speak to him, which photographs he changes. He took these pictures the other night when the house was scorching hot. The dogs and I had taken up refuge on the floor in front of the fan. He also caught a particular irritating moment for me. Our dog BoBo has a penchant for laying on me at all times and when it is hot having a fluffy, fat dog on you is not ideal. No matter how much I pleaded with BoBo to get off of me he still insisted on at least having his head touching me. Nolan found this extremely funny and started to shoot away. Here is some of his photographs, please excuse my attire but the house was roasting and I was desperate to cool off.

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