Sunday, March 21, 2010

Silent Night

It's creeping up on 4 a.m. Sunday morning, and I can't sleep. It has been a rough couple of days. It started with Friday, which was the day from hell and I had one of those wonderful Mommy Meltdowns. Saturday was just crazy busy, my stepdaughter is with us this weekend and any time there is 3 kids instead of the usual 2, the hyper level gets bumped up to 120%. So right now I am just enjoying the quiet house, watching the movie that I want to watch and eating my red vines without kids and dogs begging for some to. It is quite peaceful. Nolan and Molly are asleep on the couch, looking so calm and innocent. Such a beautiful sight. I love to watch my kids sleep, I can't believe how fast they are growing up. It is a lil scary but also exciting. Part of me wishes they could of stayed little forever, in a blink of an eye their childhood is going to be over and they will be teenagers. It is heartbreaking for me, it has gone by so fast. I see so many kids trying so hard to grow up before they are ready, acting far beyond their age and watching their parents feed into it. Not me, I let my kids know everyday that they should cherish their childhood and I fight constantly to make sure they do. Because it is over so quickly and you never get it back, they have their whole lives to be adults. I know that childhood can be hell, kids are so mean to each other at that age but like I always tell my kids. Childhood is supposed to be hell, it is preparing you for life. Life just like childhood isn't fair, and most of the time it makes no sense, but it is all how you look at it that matters. Cherish each moment good and bad, because they are only there for a second and then they are gone forever. Embrace the good and learn from the bad. Now I need to take my own advice...

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