Thursday, March 25, 2010

This Post is R rated...Adults Only

Last night as I was getting my feet rubbed by my Husband, I was sitting there wondering. How do other couples make their Marriage work? How do they keep it fresh? Make time for Sex with kids in the house that never sleep? See my Husband and I have some very quirky but effective methods for both us getting what we want. It's the BJ's for Back or Foot Rubs Method. It is simple. When my husband wants a BJ for de-stressing purposes or to help him sleep, that is all BJ's that are not a part of our regular sex, then I get a Back or Foot Rub in return. Yes I could ask for sexual favors in return, but I could also go in the other room and take care of that myself, I can't however rub my own back. I came up with this plan and it is brilliant. This way we both get to relax and are both happy. This also works for shopping, say I want a pair of jeans but they are $300.00 or more then my hubbie gets a BJ in return. See men are simple or at least my husband is. I hear my women friends complain that their husbands want BJ's and they don't want to give them. I tell them you are looking at this the wrong way. First of all you have to change your thinking from Omg I have to give him a BJ, to ok cool he gets a BJ now what do I want in return. It could be anything, from back rubs, to shoes, to a night off from the kids. Most men will agree to anything when a BJ is on the table. There would be a lot more happy marriages out there if people went with this Method. Just be sure to get yours first. See if you give him a BJ first then he is useless, and /or will give you a weak ass rub. But if you make him go first, then he will do a great job, see he's in a good mood because he knows a BJ is coming, and he will rub your back or feet very well hoping you will do just as good a job in return. See simple. My Method works, try it out sometime, it becomes a fun little game and best of all, it's a win, win...


  1. LMAO

    I'm laughing so hard while reading this! You are so brave to actually post this! I love it!! I was going about things all wrong! BJ's go AFTER! Genius!!

  2. Exactly doll, they call it a job for a reason, we need to get

  3. Seriously that is so true. I figured that out a long time ago. Get first & give later. I agree you sure are brave to post something like
