Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Will it ever all get done?

Some days you just have to let it all go, the chaos going on in your head about everything you need to get done but don't have time to get done. After waking up to my husbands alarm which he lets go off for 10 mins before I finally get up and shut it off and getting the kids off to school. I drag myself into the shower, pop out and throw my hair in a ponytail and some clothes on. Then I take the dogs for their morning walk and load the them into the car and go to work. Then I spend all day at the shop and running around doing various errands, then around 7pm it's off to pick up the boys from my mothers. By the time I get home and eat dinner, spend some time with the boys and referee the many arguments they have every night. It's time to herd the boys off to bed, which never goes quickly. There are needing to go to the bathroom and getting glasses of water and of course the last attempt to stay awake, the "I'm Starving" whines set in. It is amazing how much food growing boys can eat. Then one last argument of the night over who is gonna sleep on top and who is gonna sleep on the bottom bunk before I finally lose it and scream at them to be quiet and go to sleep already. Then this is the time I have to do all my chores in the house, every night as I look around at all the dishes in the sink and dirty laundry that needs to be done I get so overwhelmed. No matter how much you clean as a mother, the house never stays clean. By the time you get all the laundry done the hamper if full again, by the time you get the dishes in the dishwasher, the sink is full again. Especially at my house. My boys use up so much laundry it is amazing, and when they eat they manage to use as many dishes and cups as possible. I admit it, I am horrible at housework. Will there ever be a day, where my husband actually puts his dirty socks in the hamper instead of throwing them on the floor? Will my sons ever put their backpacks away and hang up their coats, without having to told to 10 times? Will all the laundry ever get done? Will I ever find all the missing socks? Is it possible to have a clean bathroom living with 3 boys? Is it possible that my house will stay clean living with 3 boys, 2 dogs and 1 cat. I know this, as a mother's day gift to myself this year I am treating myself to a maid and a spa day....


  1. If you ever actually get to the point where the house stays clean for 24 hrs, call me. I'd like to see that. I stopped trying to "do it all" and concentrated on my actual kids. Just keep the dirty underwear out of sight, and you're good to go!

  2. Lol... Ya that's pretty much how we do it here, but it is just so amazing how quickly things can get out of control to the point where you don't even know where to start. Luckily my hubbie is a good sport about me being so horrible at
