Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day One of Spring Break..

I woke up Monday Morning with Nolan's stinky feet in my face, Molly's paw in my mouth and BoBo laying on my now dead right arm. My husband has disappeared to the shop, leaving me home alone to deal with the madness. There is something about kids on Vacation that makes them more hyper than usual and misbehave more than usual. My oldest and most calm out of the two has decided to spend his spring break at ICES, which is a program at school where they play games, etc. I found it odd that he wanted to spend his break back at school of all places, but found out that the girl he likes is going to be there. That explains that. So I am left alone with Nolan my 10 yr old, who is in that whiny, test every limit possible stage.

So my plan was to keep him out of the house and keep him busy. These plans are destroyed when I noticed that my husband had decided to take my truck to work. This left me home with his 60's wagon that is on air bags and has no seat belts or power steering which makes this heavy beast hard to drive, or the 28 hot rod which has no seat belts either. So needless to say I was stuck at home all day. Where I spent the whole day fighting with Nolan because I wouldn't let him ride his bike to the park. I'm sorry but he is just too young to go off on his bike to the park just because the other boys in the neighborhood get to do it. These are boys who are that age where they love each other one minute and are trying to kill each other the next. I did let him go outside and play and then spent an hour walking up and down the neighborhood looking for him, because he did not bother to tell me he was going inside his friend's house to play and he turned his phone off. The only reason my son has a phone is so that I can get a hold of him whenever I need too.

Why does he do this the first day of break. Grounding him at this point is really more of a punishment for me than for him. Do I wanna be stuck in a house all week with a bored, pissed off 10 yr. old? So I am grounding him for one day, to make my point and then I will give him one more chance. Later that night I thought I would take Molly for a walk and take some time to myself, instead Molly took me for a nice forced run. Bright side to this is by the end of the month if she keeps this up, I am going to have an ass of steel not to mention muscular arms from holding on to the leash for dear life. Just in time for summer.

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