Thursday, April 8, 2010

Broken Dryer = Unhappy Mama

My house is being over taken by dirty laundry. A few weeks ago my wonderful Husband decided to do his own laundry. However he did not bother to empty his pockets beforehand. So our dryer ended up full of the wood screws he left in his pants. Not to worry he says, I can fix this. I just smiled and said okay honey, knowing if I had done this he would have been furious, Men... Now everyday since I ask him, can you please fix the dryer? Yes he says I will bring home the tools from the shop. Everyday he forgets to bring home the tools from the shop. Normally I would takes this little mishap as a nice needed break from the laundry, but the clothes are getting ready to get up and start attacking me. So I need my dryer back.

After the first week I decided to just send the boys dirty clothes to my Mom's for her to wash and dry for me. This was a good idea in theory, but just in theory. I then had to listen to my Mom bitch about how the boys dirty clothes had dog hair on them. Of course they had dog hair on them. Because before they make it to the hamper they end up in a huge pile on their floor, which BoBo our big fat hairy boy loves to sleep on. But to my Mother dog hair might as well be Anthrax. She cannot stand for dog or cat hair to be anywhere near her much less on her, she also despises touching a dog or cat or any kind of pet, if one of them tries to lick her, she has a full blown cow. She hates animals, we all give her a hard time about it. She swears that she doesn't but she does. I will give you a quick example; I was at her house about a month ago and it was raining really hard. I noticed that their was this cute Benji looking dog running around, so of course I (the advocate animal lover) went to see if he was lost. I led him back to my Mom's house, not even in her house just to the back outside covered patio. There is a towel that stays outside all the time, so I used it to dry off this poor dog who was shaking and soaking wet. She yelled at me for using her old, tore up, outside towel to dry off the dog. She said why didn't you just leave him out there? I told her, my god woman have a heart. It's a lost, wet, cold dog. I called the number on his tag and his owner was so thrilled and thankful and came and picked him up. I asked her, doesn't that make you feel good, to help an animal like that? She just rolled her eyes and went in the house. So ya see, she hates animals.

No matter what is wrong in my house the solution in her eyes is too get rid of my dogs and cat. The laundry isn't done, well you need to get rid of those dogs. There are dishes still in the sink, well you need to get rid of that cat. Because you know how those damn dogs can be with their laundry, just changing their outfits twenty times a day, creating more work for me. Don't even get me started on cats and how they go through dishes. Is this what is going through her mind, I really don't get her thinking. Now if you want my house to stay clean then I need to rid of my kids..Mother's are terrific, aren't they..So back to my original point , sending the dirty laundry to her house, not a good idea. So I am back to waiting for my Husband to bring home the tools from the shop. I tried the other day to pull the dryer out to get a look for myself, but there was a huge ass spider back there, and I don't do spiders.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Jen...wanna come over and do laundry? And seriously, my dogs are the same way...they have too many wardrobe changes too.
