Friday, April 9, 2010

Day Four of Spring Break...

This morning I woke up to the wonderful sound of a lawnmower. My gardener came back. I opened the window to the smell of fresh cut grass, watched as the birds played in my garden and I knew that today was going to be a good day. It finally felt like spring to me, so I broke out my Sun Tea jar filed it with water and set it on my fence. Is there anything better than Sun Tea on a hot day, no there is not.

Everyone was home today. Xander stayed home to play with his friends, so him and Nolan took off and stayed outside all day. My husband aka "Basher" stayed home to clean out the backyard. We have a bit of spider problem here, I think it's because there is the Edison field behind our house. Anyway I found Black Widows and their egg sacs and wanted him to kill them. Have you ever seen that movie "Arachnophobia" that is what it felt like, uhh I hate spiders. For some reason I am always the one who gets bit.

I took the dogs out front to lay on the grass and play while I sat on the porch drinking my Tea. I of course added the Southern touch and made Sweet Tea. Every time I drink Sweet Tea I am instantly transported back to being a little girl spending the summer with my Grandfather in Missouri. My family is from a very small farm town in Missouri and sometimes I miss it very much, I miss it's pace. But the South is still in our blood and in our hearts here. I did start craving Fried Okra and Gravy and Biscuits though, the Sweet Tea has that effect.

Still in my Southern mood and in need of some major comfort food after the attack of the eight legged freaks in my backyard, I cooked. This makes two nights in a row which is a very rare event in my household. I made a big Southern meal and of course burned my thumb. I cannot cook one meal without burning myself pretty severely. Thank god for the Aloe Vera plants I planted last fall.. So with my tummy full and my thumb all wrapped up, I crawled on the couch with the boys and the dogs and watched " The Blind Side" again. Such a good movie. I did however notice that I am going to be needing a bigger couch very soon. Molly is just going to keep getting bigger and I am the one that will most likely end up pushed onto the floor. So I need to look into that this month. But all in all as a Mama I had a really nice calm day, I'm a lil worse for wear with the cooking but, that's okay..

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