Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day Two of Spring Break..

I woke up to the sound of Nolan rummaging through the kitchen cabinets, thinking he was just eating breakfast I thought nothing of it. A few minutes went by and Nolan came running through the living room and into his room shutting the door behind him. My back was killing me because once again Nolan had come out in the middle of the night and crawled on the couch to sleep with me. Which meant that he and both dogs took up 90% of the couch while I was shoved into the last 10%. So I didn't jump up right away to go investigate. The dogs woke up so I dragged myself to my feet to let them out to go potty.

On the way to the back door I passed by the back bathroom and noticed there were Tech Deck ramps, Popsicle sticks and a jar of Vaseline on the counter. The sink was filled to the rim with oily water. Apparently Nolan was playing with his Tech Decks and built a Skate Park using the sink as he always does as the skate pool. We have a large opening for our drain with no strainer, so one of his tech decks fell in the drain. Nolan decided that it couldn't have gone that far so he got two of my Craft Popsicle sticks and greased them up with Vaseline and tried to pry them out. When that brilliant plan didn't work he poured vegetable oil down the drain to help grease the way and loosen the deck up. Then he filled the sink with water thinking it would cause the deck to then float up out of the drain. This plan did not work. Instead I got to try my hand out at plumbing, I did manage to save the tech deck. I couldn't get mad, one because it was just an accident and two because it was funny to see how his mind had gone to work.

He did however start the I want to ride my bike to park fight again which was a total blast and he made me feel like I was the most uncool, horrible mother to ever live. I do feel bad that all of his friends in the neighborhood get to ride their bikes, but I am sticking to my guns. He is just too young and although I do trust him even more than his older brother most of the time, what if he got hurt. It's just not worth it to me and more importantly most of those boys can act like little jerks. You know when you are driving and there is always that group of boys on their bikes that ride right out in front of you in the street without even looking, well that is not going to be my boys, I refuse to let them grow up to be little punks whether they like it or not. It is hard though to be disliked by your children even if it is just for a few moments when they are mad.I am not a fan of that feeling, but I guess that also means that I am doing something right...

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