Saturday, April 10, 2010

Final Day of Spring Break..

Well I made it through Spring Break and am still in one piece, more importantly my kids are still in one piece. Xander started off the day with some major attitude and stayed dedicated to it for the rest for the day. Nolan however was really easy today. The boys spent the morning playing with Molly and were so excited when she tore her water dish into two pieces. I have to say being at home with the kids this week has kinda made me miss being a stay at home home. Even though when I was a full time stay at home home I really missed working. It's the proverbial grass is always greener situation.

I have noticed though since Xander has been spending so much time at my mom's his attitude has gotten a lot worse. Her and I have two totally different parenting styles. Hers is give him whatever he wants, mine is a little more complicated than that. My biggest complaint is that she lets him talk back to her and in my house that is the most disrespectful thing you can do. Talking back to their father is bad but when they talk back to me, all hell breaks loose. My husband and I want them to know that there are just certain things you do not do to females and talking to them in a disrespectful way is one of the big ones. But my mom just ignores it and it drives me nuts. Xan threw me the dirty looks of all dirty looks today and I really thought my head was gonna explode. It's amazing how just a look or rolling of the eyes can ignite an unstoppable fury in a Mother's soul. All of this mind you because I made him come in and wash his hands and eat lunch. I mean my god, I am just pure evil put here to ruin his life. He did however finally chill out and did some major ass kissing later.

I also cooked once again. My kids are a little freaked out. I have just been in the mood for some good ole home cooking. I even baked cookies and haven't been able to stop eating them since. I better stop though before the boys get too used to it.

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