Friday, March 19, 2010

Auto Focus

Watching BoBo last night and the intense focus he had while starring at Molly with her bone, it made me think. My biggest problem with my son Xander is his utter lack of focus. From getting ready in the morning, to eating his dinner at night, all day you are yelling FOCUS XANDER FOCUS. Everything is a constant struggle with him to just get him too focus and get it done.

Now my biggest problem with BoBo, is his Focus. He is the most focused animal you have ever seen. From sitting in the Kitchen watching the cat eat her food, just waiting for some of it to fall so he can catch it. To sitting in front of the coffee table for 2 hrs crying because he knows there is a Red Vine up there. BoBo never gives up.

So if I could just find a way to switch Xander and Bobo's focus problems, I would have it made. Just think how much easier my life would be if Xander was able to focus on his homework the way Bobo focuses on the Red Vine I am eating or if BoBo focused on the cat and food as little as Xander focuses on his chores. Just imagine it. Life would be great

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