Sunday, March 14, 2010

The " Divide and Conquer" Method

So Sunday is supposed to be Mom's Day. The day where I get to sleep in, and then relax and enjoy some alone time while the boys play outside with their friends. The Key to a Successful Sunday is the "Divide and Conquer" method. Where my husband takes our oldest son Xander to the car swap meet with him and leaves Nolan home with me. If we do not divide them up, then this is what happens... My husband is gone to the swap meet, the boys wake me up at 7am arguing about something, then it's "Mom, I said I was gonna play video games when I woke up but Xander won't let me play" "Mom Nolan hit me for no reason"etc.. They have also woke up the dogs at this point and now the dogs are hyper and growling and play fighting as loudly as possible as well. Now by the time my husband gets home I am wide awake and exhausted and ready to kill one of if not both of the boys because they won't stop fighting. Now my husband is Grumpy because I am yelling at him and now he is yelling at the boys for making me yell at him. This is why the " Divide and Conquer" plan is so important, on Sunday especially. Because Sunday is my day. Now this morning the whole system broke down and broke down in a big way..

Last night Molly went to bed at 11:30, but then Xander woke her up at 1:00am. She then proceeded to be as hyper as can be and would not calm down. Finally at 5:30 this morning I got her back to sleep. Then I fell asleep only to be awakened an hour later by the sound of my husbands alarm clock which went off for 7 mins before I finally went in and shut it off, I eased my way back to the sofa next to Molly trying my hardest not to wake the beast. My husband then stumbles in as loudly as possible, coughing and hacking as loudly as possible and plops down on the sofa. Molly peeks up as I lay as still as possible pleading with God for her to close her eyes and lay back down. I tell my husband, shhh... Please don't wake her up she just got back to sleep, my husband who is not a morning person, just looks at me and shrugs. He then tries to wake Xander up again as loudly as possible and decides to get dressed in the living room, Why? I don't know.. Long story short by the time he leaves, Molly is of course wide awake again and both of the boys are still here..So my relaxing Sunday didn't go quite the way I planned, in fact in went exactly like described above. Maybe next week...


  1. You get to sleep in?? On a regular basis? LUCKY!!

    Welcome to blogging. Looks great!

  2. Thank you Mandy... Well ideally yes on Sundays I get to sleep in, Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't...
