Sunday, March 14, 2010

It Happens Everytime...

So yes I am a klutz, and stubbing my toes seems to be daily occurrence. Why is it that I cannot get through the night without stubbing my toe. Last night was probably one of the worst toe stubs I have had, a little tear actually came to my eye, we have blocked the hallway and the kitchen because we don't want Molly to be able to get in the bathroom or back bedrooms,or the kitchen this means in order to get to a bathroom in our house you either have to get over the barricade that is blocking the hallway or the extra tall pet gate that blocks off the kitchen. Now the barricade in the hallway is my very own nemesis. Every freakin night I stub my toes trying to get over that thing, then of course there is the obligatory grabbing your foot, banging the wall, and spouting out every curse word you can think of... It's like there is a magnet on that thing that just draws my poor little toes to there doom...

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