Monday, March 15, 2010

They need Pupppy Sleeping pills..

So Sunday night was fun. At 1:oo am my oldest son Xander woke up crying because his throat hurt, I felt so bad. I hate when your kids don't feel well and there is nothing you can do to make the pain go away. I gave him some Motrin and had him gargle with salt water, he calmed down and insisted on laying on the couch with me and Molly. Of course as soon as he was on the couch Molly woke up, something about just seeing the boys gets her so excited. Now Molly is wide awake and BoBo has come over to see what is going on. Usually I can just give Molly her bone and she chews her little heart out and tires herself back out, but BoBo thinks it is hilarious to steal her bone. He has to have the one she is chewing on. So now Molly and BoBo are going at it, so I just decided to let it play out , this will definitely make her tired. I was wrong, they love to play fight and instead of it getting her energy out it seemed to just have given her more energy and now she is on one. She then proceeded to attack Xander, she tore his PJ bottoms as I was trying to pull her off, now you have to realize that this is funny as hell, so now Xander and I are laughing and now everyone is wide awake. Bobo finally gets tired and tries to sleep but Molly see her chance for revenge and she took it. Blop, Boom, Bam she jumps on his head, wrestles him into submission, he freaks out and gets his 2nd wind, Boom Molly goes down, it is now 4am, we are all still awake. Now my bright idea is to just put Molly in the boys room with her Bone and let her calm down, but she thinks running into the door head first is a lot more fun. An hour goes by it seems to be quiet so I let her out, she comes running toward me with this cute little look on her face like I'm Free, I'm Free... So I decide to pick her up and carry her around while singing to her, this works with babies so why not a puppy, I think she gained 10lbs since Saturday, so this didn't last very long and although it did not calm her down I did get a lot of good kisses. At 6am Xander finally went to sleep, but Molly was still wide awake, she ran around for another hour before she finally passed out. She is lucky she is so cute, that's all I have to say...

Now it's Monday yeah... It is 5 in the afternoon and Molly has been napping most the day, must be nice...

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