Friday, March 19, 2010

Feeling Old and Young all at the same time..

Why is 34 turning out to be so exhausting.. I have a theory. I really think it's because I lost a year. See when I turned 34 I thought I was still 32. I went all of last year thinking I was 32, it wasn't until a month before my birthday that my husband informed me, no honey you are 33. No, I said, I am 32. I sat there and did the math, omg I am 33. I have lost a whole year. I still don't know how this happened, but it did. I had one month of being 33 then came the big 34. Now ever since I seem to have lost some energy and believe me I didn't have any left over to lose. I still think I should get to do 33 over again, I mean it's only fair. What if 33 is my lucky year and I missed it. Or is it all in my head. I have never been one to stress about getting older, because I still look pretty young and I still act young, but 34 is a little different. I am starting to feel my age, I found a gray hair this year, my first. My crow's feet are a size larger this year and my energy has gone to some other place. It is such a weird feeling to be in your 30's. Because no matter how much you joke about feeling old, it's you finally realizing how young it actually is. When you were younger, your 30's seemed so old, I mean our parents were in their 30's. But when you finally arrive, especially mid 30's you think, but I am still so young. Ya, your beginning to lose a step or too, those wrinkles have set their sights on you, those gray wiry hairs are playing peek a boo with you, your hair doesn't grow as fast anymore. Yes you are constantly looking in the mirror at that brown spot on your face, trying to figure out how much time you actually tanned when you were younger without sunscreen. That's the worst have you ever looked at your face through one of those special cameras they have at the make up counters, you know the ones that show you just how much damage you did as a teenager. When you were young and cocky and said, oh please Mother, by the time the damage from this amazing tan shows up, I won't care. Well guess what, I care.. Now all of our money goes to trying to reverse that awesome tan we had.. Foolish girl, why didn't I just listen to my Mother. It is just an odd age, feeling old and young all at the same time..

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