Monday, March 15, 2010

From Girly Girl to Casual Girl...

For most of my life before I became a Mother I was a bit of Girly Girl. Then as all you Mama's out there know, once you have kids especially back to back and especially boys and become a stay at home Mom, all that Girly Girl goes out the window. Now I still love clothes and have an addiction to Jeans, I must have my True Religions, Frankie B's, William Rast's and Hudson Jeans. I am tall, skinny with long legs and for some reason the expensive jeans just fit better and once you have worn them, your hooked. Now I wear jeans pretty much everyday, jeans or sweats so spending the money on them is worth it for me, and I have one of those great Husbands who has really good style and appreciates good clothes. [He also loves to go shopping and understands that if there is one pair left in your size but it is 50 miles away that you have to jump in the car and go get them right away, I am lucky in that regard] I also love my Juicy Sweats and Hoodies and most of all my Juicy PJ's. As far as tops, American Apparel comfy Tees and Sweatshirts and Tank Tops are all I need in my wardrobe, I like to be comfy. To be honest their Hoodies are starting to win my vote over Juicy lately because they are so much more comfy. Luckily nowadays you can still dress cute and stylish with comfy clothes, there are so many great cute comfy clothes out there and I know where they all are. Now as far as shoes, that is not really my thing, my Husband is the one with shoe addiction in this household and it is a big one. For me a pair of Uggs for the winter and my Havaianas Flip Flops for the summer and I am good. I do have a bit of a Scarf thing going on lately. I also love make up and I love to buy it but rarely wear it that also goes for hair products. I love getting my hair done partly because it is my time to relax and get pampered and because I have the best hair stylist in the world and I love to buy the products but rarely do I use them. 99% of the time my hair is pulled into a pony tail. As much as I love make up and pretty clothes I wear pretty much the same thing everyday, Jeans, tee or tank or sweatshirt and Uggs and flip flops, because I am a Mom raising 2 boys. It's all about Skate Parks and Bmx, or running around with the dogs or being in the Car Shop. I have no reason to dress up or wear make up. I don't understand those women who go to the gym or the grocery store in full get up gear, give me a break people. Do you really need to be in full make up to buy food or run and errand or work out. I am of the, I am just running errands and am not gonna go get ready to do it philosophy, because I don't care and I don't have time. If you don't wanna see me all natural then don't look. If you have ever seen that woman that is in the grocery store in PJ's, that is me.. My husband always asks me why don't you fix your hair or put make up on, yet when I do he asks me, "Why are you all dressed up?" "Where are you going?" "What, are seeing someone else?" So I cannot win. Even at the shop if I wear make up or wear my hair down all the guys are asking me the same thing " What's going On?" " Where are you going, Why are you all dressed up?" Plus I just am too tired. Unless I am going somewhere really special, then I go all natural. Women always tell me, wow you are so brave to go without make up all the time, I wish I could do that but I am too insecure. Listen ladies it's not bravery or being super secure with myself, it's just plain old fashion exhaustion. I wish sometimes I had the energy to get up everyday and fix my hair and put make up on, but honestly just saying it makes me tired...If I had a job where I had to do all that, I would never make it or always be late, thank god I work for myself and can go to work however I want. Now I admit that as a woman getting all dolled up or even just wearing make up does make you fell better about yourself, it makes you feel like a woman. I have my moments where I need to get Girly and feel sexy just like I have my moments where I am so busy with the house and the boys, dogs, husband that after 2 days I am sitting there asking myself " Have you even taken a shower in the last 2 days?" Oh ya, those moments are

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