Friday, March 19, 2010

Do they know that Dad lives here too..

For some reason in my house all day and night all I hear is Mom, Mama, Mommy, Mom... For every predicament, grievance, ailment, every boredom dilemma, all damage control it's Mom. They automatically call out my name first. I have never heard them call out Dad, Daddy, Dad, Dad... Oh no, why ? Because they know Dad isn't gonna deal with it. Men are geniuses about getting out of doing stuff at home, and dealing with the kids when they are being crazy. Dad's know if you want them to fix something all they have to do is mess it up one time and we will make them stop. Ask them to do the dishes, they know if they do them wrong that as Mom we will automatically take over so it gets done right. When it comes to the kids, I think this applies more to stay at home moms because we are always and have always been there 24 hrs a day taking care of everything. So it is hard wired into their brain to come to Mom first for everything. I have tried to break my kids of this habit but it never seems to work. On those days where you have just had enough there is no easier way to drive you over the edge than the sound of Mom, Mommy, Mom, Mama, Mommy, MOM, MOM, MOM..... That sound just finds your spine and crawls up it into your brain until you just want to scream.. Do they not know that we heard them the first time, that if we do not jump up to their beckon call at that very moment then maybe we are busy.. The worst thing is, I used to do this to my own Mother and never understood why it made her so crazy, but thanks to the good ol curse she put on me when I had my first child, I know all to well why this made her crazy. Now every time it is done to me for a second I feel so guilty for ever doing it to her..

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